Support CWH
Why should I support Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage?

Every day, we’re losing habitat and the wildlife that depend on it for survival. More than 1.9 million acres of wildlife habitat are lost each year in North America alone. Maryland has lost more than 70% of the wetland habitat that is critical to wildlife health and diversity. Subsequently, the number and types of wildlife species are vanishing at an alarming rate.
Just one disappearing plant species can take 10 to 30 dependent animal and insect species with it. No other case illustrates this point better than the decline of submerged aquatic vegetation and the resulting decrease of waterfowl, fish, and shellfish in the Chesapeake Bay. This loss of diversity affects everyone, particularly here in Maryland, which is an integral part of the Atlantic Flyway.
Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage believes we can help reverse this trend. How? By building and restoring wetlands and associated uplands on prior converted marginal farmland; by installing wildlife nesting structures to replace depleted natural nesting sites; by eliminating insecticides and reducing herbicide use (by over 2/3) while maintaining farm profitability; and by educating landowners on enhancing the wildlife habitat value of their land.
CWH performs a unique service for wildlife. Our projects help to recover lost habitat and reduce the impacts of farming and other land uses on the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and its wildlife species. We are the only private conservation organization in Maryland that works daily with landowners to plan, construct, and maintain wildlife habitat and implement profitable farming practices that benefit our environment. And we are the only organization that manages these projects long after completion.
During the past decade, CWH has worked with more than 1,000 landowners on various land and farm management projects. Over the years, we have worked to develop the technical competence and field experience to take a whole-farm approach to land and habitat management. Our goals for the next five years include:
— Restoring more than 500 acres of wetlands (about four times the amount restored over the past five years).
— Restoring 2,000 acres of associated uplands and grasslands.
— Completing our goal of placing 10,000 wood duck and 5,000 other wildlife nesting structures in appropriate habitat Bay-wide.
— Tripling the size of the farmer-to-farmer network to extend the techniques of sustainable agriculture to farmers all over the Eastern Shore.
You can help by becoming a member of Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage. Your support and concern for the resource are vital to the future of wildlife species that directly benefit from hands-on habitat enhancement and improvement projects performed by CWH on private lands.
Won’t you join us? In becoming a CWH member, you can take pride in being a partner in protecting our natural heritage. Membership is tax deductible. Click the button below to join us today.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make the check out to Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage and mail to 1201 Parson Island Road, Chester, MD 21619.
Thank you for your interest in CWH. Together we can ensure that future generations enjoy their wildlife heritage.

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