2 bumbles pur cnflwr
Bumblebees on purple cone flower which we use in most of our meadow mixes.
Spider web IMAG0004
Meadows are great places to see spider webs on foggy/misty mornings.
bumble on wingstem
Bumblebee visiting Wingstem (Verbesina Alte rnifolia) flowers which many pollinators love. Wingstem (also known as yellow ironweed) likes well drained soil and does very well up againstw oodland edges. Deer do not touch it so it is a very important pollinator plant in the deer dominated environment we find work in.
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly working on asters.
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Black-eyed Susans dominating in a first year meadow.
Buckeye Butterfly working tickseed sunflowers (bidens sp.) which like wet areas like ditches and marsh edges.
A nice stand of Queen Anne’s lace (not native but naturalized and useful to pollinators) with some milkweed mixed in.
Common milkweed in bloom-another plant important to pollinators that deer leave alone.
Andi Pupke catching monarchs in a meadow of eupatorium and solidago.
Andi Monarch Workshop
Andi Pupke tagging monarchs, we have had 3 monarchs recovered in Mexico that were tagged at CWH’s Barnstable Hill Farm in Chester, MD.