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Farm Buffer Strips

A CRP CP-33 "bobwhite buffer" consisting of little bluestem and broomsedge grasses mixed with wildflowers. The bluebird boxes mark the buffer edge for farming. We often place the boxes in…
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Mudford Farm

CWH restored wetlands, planted warm season grass meadows, and planted trees on this 275-acre farm at the headwaters of the Chester River on Maryland's Eastern Shore.
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Cottingham Farm

An overhead Google Earth view of a 15-acre constructed wetland sanctuary surrounded by a native grass buffer at Cottingham Farm. The wetland is well used by migrating shorebirds and wildfowl.…
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Canterbury Farm

A Painted Turtle enjoys a basking log in the wetlands at CWH's Canterbury Farm. We have used CREP to restore more than 35 acres of shallow freshwater marshes on the property.…
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Martin’s Point

This wet 17-acre farm field was restored to a shallow emergent wetland using CREP and additional help from Maryland DNR. This "before" aerial of the site (outlined with yellow line)…
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Pickering Creek

This is an aerial photo at Pickering Creek Audubon Center of the approximately 70 acres of freshwater wetlands CWH designed and restored there as of 2009 using the United States…
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Bailey’s Neck

Dusky time at the 18-acre shallow emergent wetland that CWH designed and built on Bailey's Neck. We also own about 100 acres of wooded wetlands on adjacent lands that are…
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