Building Plans in PDF
Building Plans in .PDF Format Eastern Bluebird Wood Duck Kestral Northern Flying Squirrel Osprey If you would like a paper copy sent to you please email us.
Wildlife Nesting Structures
Supplementing natural nesting sites CWH's Nesting Structure Program installs artificial nesting boxes and platforms for wildlife species whose natural habitats have diminished or disappeared due to development, farming, or deforestation.…
Sustainable Agriculture
Reducing farm inputs, such as fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides, while maintaining farm profitability and bountiful wildlife populations. The main objective of CWH’s Sustainable Agriculture program is to demonstrate the compatibility of…
Backyard Habitat
Chesapeake Wildlife Heritage’s Backyard Habitat program focuses on properties with limited space. From well maintained nesting structures to butterfly gardens, there are many habitat projects available that will attract a…
Phragmites Control
Controlling invasive, noxious weeds in wetlands Phragmites (Phragmites australis) continues to invade the Eastern Shore and other parts of Maryland at an alarming rate. Not only does it grow so…