A Painted Turtle enjoys a basking log in the wetlands at CWH’s Canterbury Farm. We have used CREP to restore more than 35 acres of shallow freshwater marshes on the property. The land is permanently protected from development and conversion back to agricultural use by a conservation easement.Gadwalls making use of the very shallow waters of restored wetlands.This photo shows the deeper (2- to 3-foot) pool areas where water is present even in the driest summers. We obtain the material for the berms (which we use to impound the rainfall and restore the wetland) from these spots. They provide a wet refuge for reptiles and amphibians in summer and grow submerged aquatic vegetation to provide wildfowl food.One can see the very shallow nature of these marshes from this picture taken in early spring when the emergent vegetation has been worn away by weather and wildlife.Silver-Spotted Skipper butterfly
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